Svilland Collection
5 Books of Norse Majesty
2 New Classes
Explore the mythology with Runewalker and Seidr
38 New Archetypes
Svilland offers a variety of archetypes
90 New Items
Explore the Norse Arsenal with a new system for Runestones

Welcome Svillander!
To a world of war and glory, to a world of ice and death, to theworld of Svilland. Here, you will find the warmest hearths of the vikingr Svillanders, the nomadic Kuning, the clans of the dvergr,and the tribes of half-jotunns. You will sail the stormy seas withyour longship and travel in the dangerous wildernesses that themonsters of this mythology call home. Svilland offers you thepath to glory and Valhalla, as long as you have what it takes tosurvive in this unforgiving land.

The Norse Campaign Setting for 5E
Inspired by the true Norse mythology, Svilland offersyou everything for an epic adventure or campaign in theworld of the vikingr. In this book, you will find lots of newcharacter options from different ancestries to classes,from archetypes to backgrounds, from items to spells; alldesigned and inspired by Norse culture.

A Vast World to Explore
As a GM, you will find Svilland fascinating to work on.Your players will come across various plot hooks andinteresting rumors concerning even the smallest hamletsin its vast and detailed geography. Its perspective of thedeities will let both you and your players explore thephilosophy behind the Norse pantheon. The societiesin this world are multilayered and dynamic, most ofwhich have detailed political backgrounds, and cults andorganizations that all have various specific goals. Thereare also many monsters and interesting NPCs that live inthis world, but that also fit any other Norse themed gameyou play.