Books of Good and Evil supplements for 5E, with over 900 pages of content for both players and GMs
2 New Classes
Explore the realms of good and evil with the introduction of two new classes: The Witch and The Paragon of Corpus Collection.
70 New Archetypes
Options for almost all character types as well as extraordinary mechanics presented in the unique play styles of our archetypes, each with its own masterful artwork.
100 New Magic Items
In Corpus Collection, we're introducing 100 new magic items inspired by the forces of good and evil.
22 New Ruleset
If you love 5th Edition but wish there were more ways of bringing new flavor to your games, we got you covered!

100+ New Monster
You'll have more than 100 monsters in your arsenal; each with intersting features and characteristic inspired by folklore, myths and legends.

60+ New NPCs
A wide array of fleshed out villains and heroes all with their own illustrations, backgrounds, goals and roleplaying tips in addition to their statblocks