Silverplate is a magical world full of wonders and surprises. In this vast pangea, the residents, or the foodfolk, who were created from edible material and brought to life through magic, mostly lead carefree lives under the reign of various kingdoms. While some prefer to have simple, fulfilling lives in rural areas, others go for the noisy streets of the big cities and towns, enjoying the crowds, taverns, and the plethora of other metropolitan possibilities. For hundreds of years, the foodfolk that populate this land have survived mainly through trade, hunting, artisanship, fishing, and forestry.
From green forests and fertile plains, to ancient mushroom forests and cotton candy swamps, the vast landscape of the pangea offers a great range of places to discover. Adventurers can get lost in the peculiar wilderness as they explore the land, fighting off any eccentric monsters that may cross their path.
Silverplate consists of five regions, as illustrated in the map: the North, the South, the Fridge, Pengriata, and the seemingly endless Big Water. In this section, you’ll find information on the political and economic structure of each area, as well as on important settlements, remarkable locations, NPCs of note, signature meals, and much more.